QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus
  1. QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus
  2. QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus

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If your healthcare provider has already given you a signed paper requisition, please bring it directly to a LifeLabs® location to pay and complete your testing.

QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus

QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) is a simple blood test for Tuberculosis (TB), an air-born and highly contagious infectious disease. TB can affect the lungs as well as lymph nodes, bones, brain, organs and eyes and kills about 1.5 million people each year worldwide. Not everyone who is exposed to TB bacteria will develop an infection, and not all of those who become infected will develop symptoms, which is why getting tested is so important.

About QuantiFERON®–TB Gold Plus testing 
Who is this test for? 

QFT-Plus can be used in place of the skin test and is suitable for anyone who has: 

  • Had contact with someone known to have TB 
  • Been to a country with high rates of TB 
  • A weak immune system 
  • Started some types of medications 
  • Regular contact with populations with high rates of infection, such as IV drug users, or confined or congregate care populations. 

QFT-Plus works in people who have been previously vaccinated against TB and can also be used to confirm a positive skin test result. 

What is this test used for? 
QFT-Plus is fast, simple and considered the most clinically tested and proven. Along with accurately detecting active TB, QFT-Plus also diagnoses Latent TB Infection (LTBI) which is an asymptomatic infection, and is believed to affect over one-quarter of the global population.

To understand more about this test click on learn more:

Price :

An appointment is required to complete this test as it requires specialized staff and/or specific medical equipment. To book your appointment, please visit our location finder and select specialty test name in the Specialty Test dropdown filter when entering your search criteria.

Test Type 
Blood Sample 

Test Category 
Infection Screening  

Test Turnaround Time
Results available to ordering physician within 2 weeks 

British Columbia

Sample Collection
LifeLabs® Patient Service Centre (BC, ON) 
Home visit (ON)